乌兰巴托 , 纳来哈
The "Nomadic Mongolia" Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival has been organized since 2018. Total of 279 heritages are belonging to the seven categories of intangible cultural heritage, and a total of 362 heritages, including 83 heritage types in the seven categories, in the National Register of Intangible Cultural Heritages in Need of Urgent Protection of the National Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage Representation of Mongolia.
A total of 102 inheritors were registered in the "National list of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage" approved by Government Resolution No. 475 of 2019. As of 2022, total of 11,189 inheritors have been registered in the primary register of the unified register and database of cultural heritage of state.
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival features ritual performances by the best inheritors of 21 provinces and the capital, traditional art performances, handicraft exhibitions, promotion events, contests and competitions, cultural creative production, trade fairs, and local specialties. It hosts a variety of activities, including traditional food and drink festivals, and performances by the best heirlooms and nomadic children.